Adjustments and Manipulation

chiropractic adjustment

Chiropractic adjustments are a treatment you often receive when you are working with a chiropractor for a wide range of conditions. At Bensa Chiropractic and Wellness in Bradenton, FL, you can meet with Dr. Nicole Santana Rodriguez or Dr. Jose Benejan Lorenzo to help you heal without the use of prescription medication. Chiropractic care helps you heal from injuries, improves mobility, and decreases pain. 

What to Expect During an Initial Consultation

When you meet with a chiropractor in Bradenton, FL, you will go through an initial consultation to discuss how long you’ve been having problems. You will talk about any relevant medical history, and if you have recently had any injuries. Dr. Santana and Dr. Lorenzo will take a look at your spine and take measurements to determine what is going on to cause your symptoms. If necessary, imaging will be done to determine what is going on with your body. If you have any recent imaging, bring these to your initial consultation for the chiropractor to review. Once the evaluation is complete, you might begin treatment the same day to start the healing process.

Your Chiropractic Treatment Plan

For maximum benefit, treatment with a chiropractor is generally two to three times a week in the early stages. You will talk with the chiropractor about your goals and learn more about what you can expect from treatment. Chiropractic adjustments are usually a big part of your comprehensive treatment plan, as spinal alignment is essential to your overall health. Spinal adjustments are not painful, and you may find relief in minutes once your spine is in alignment. Our office provides adjustments by hand and by Activator instrument, and may pair adjustments with intersegmental traction. 

Schedule Your Chiropractic Care Today

To learn more about the benefits of chiropractic adjustments, contact Bensa Chiropractic and Wellness Center in Bradenton, FL, at 941-405-4088. You will get the opportunity to work with Dr. Nicole Santana Rodriguez and Dr. José Beneján Lorenzo and get started on your healing journey. When you are ready to take a natural approach to wellness, it's time to see how chiropractic can work for you.


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Our Location

4618 E State Road 64, Bradenton, FL, 34208

Office Hours

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8:00 am-5:30 pm


10:00 am-7:00 pm


8:00 am-5:30 pm


10:00 am-7:00 pm


8:00 am-2:00 pm


10:00 am - 01:00 pm (Alternating Saturdays)

